The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

What's the Deal With Overpriced Food?

What's the Deal With Overpriced Food?

Food. We all need food to survive in a world where delivery has become one of the most common ways of getting food. From Uber Eats to DoorDash, there are a lot of food delivery services out there. The food may be good, but is it worth the price? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love food, and I’m pretty sure we all do. However, sometimes it can be overpriced for no apparent reason. It just doesn’t make any sense to me how some companies such as KFC are selling chicken for around $7 while Popeye’s is selling the food for a much lower price.

Colleges sell food at a high price for no apparent reason. How in the world are nachos more expensive than a quesadilla? I don’t understand how that is even possible. Food is supposed to be worth its price tag. If I am paying for $6 worth of chicken wings, then I want some excellent chicken wings. It is ridiculous how food can be worth so much and still taste like fast food. Not even worth spending the money on it. You can’t even get your money back unless you make up some excuse saying that there is hair on my food or something is undercooked. 

I don’t understand why places are charging so much. They may indeed be going out of business, but I am not buying a $4 slice of pizza. That is absurd. But, for some places, they are just selling food at an overpriced rate for no particular reason whatsoever. Is there any other reason for overpriced food that isn’t even worth the price? Sometimes it is worth it, and the company can get a dollar or two out of the sale. Other than that, I have no idea what the company is doing. 

With the price of food increasing, this can be another reason why the price went up dramatically. However, it doesn’t make sense why one slice of pizza is upwards of $4. That is absurd. It is a crazy time for the price of food to increase since the price of gas has already increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has been going on throughout society. It is unbelievable how everything in society is now a bit more expensive than what it usually was before the COVID-19 pandemic. Food is an important aspect of all of our lives, and we all need it to keep the world in balance. Therefore, as the food becomes more pricey over time, we can no longer purchase our food at a fair price. This is a major issue, as we all need food to survive. When it comes to necessities such as food, there should not be major increases across the board. Yes, there are still food items that stay relatively cheap. An example of this is dollar sections found at a wide variety of stores. However, the increase in food across a wide variety of environments is concerning. 

Image obtained from Squarespace

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