The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

What I Learned In Four Years: The Lessons SUNY Poly Taught Me

What I Learned In Four Years: The Lessons SUNY Poly Taught Me

Four years ago, I thought I had life figured out. During my senior year of high school, I spent so much time fantasizing about what my college years were going to be like. I would have described my dream college as a large, artsy school on the beach. Instead, I ended up at a small tech school, 30 minutes from my house. Little would I know how much this small tech school would impact me.

Let the Underdog Surprise You

The first lesson SUNY Poly taught me is to be open. When I was making my college list in high school, SUNY Poly was ranked last. Clearly, SUNY Poly was the underdog in my mind. I thought I wouldn’t enjoy SUNY Poly because it was more of a techy school, it was smaller, and it was in an area I already knew. However, I was letting labels limit the possibilities of my experience. Contrary to my assumptions though, I’ve made my closest friends, learned from the most talented facility, and have made some of my fondest memories thanks to SUNY Poly.

Try the Unexpected 

The second lesson I learned is to try new things! The college experience provides students with an endless amount of opportunities. You can participate in clubs, run for student government, go to events, and more! The small size of SUNY Poly makes it easier for students to participate and be active on campus (In some schools, you have to try out to even participate in clubs). If there’s something that interests you, like an event or club, I would encourage you to do it! I remember not wanting to be part of club leadership because I thought it would be complicated. I was wrong. Being involved in leadership has helped me grow as a person and become a better team player. So take advantage of being a college student, challenge yourself and try the unexpected!

It's All About the People

Growing up in a small rural town, I used to dread the fact that everyone knew each other so closely. I thought small communities were intrusive. Going to SUNY Poly, however, I learned to appreciate the small community. It was nice being on campus and knowing at some point of the day, I'd run into someone I know. In the classroom, it creates a more intimate experience. It’s easier to engage with your professors and classmates; and not only can you participate in meaningful discussions, but you develop close relationships as well! Even though campus isn’t that far from my house, I got to connect with people so different from my hometown, which is amazing! I met people from all over the state and even the world, and I enjoyed hearing their experiences and having the opportunity to connect with them.

It’s Somebody’s Dream

One of the most important lessons I learned is perspective. Early on, I would sadly complain about my experience for no reason. Then one day, a friend told me how SUNY Poly was the only school that gave them a chance. That look of gratitude I saw from their face forever remains imprinted in my mind.  I would meet many more people like my friend, sharing how SUNY Poly is making their dreams into a reality. That was the day my attitude changed forever. No more pity parties and complaining, instead I chose to embrace where I was. When I changed my attitude, I was able to appreciate my experience much more.

As my time at SUNY Poly is ending, I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my four-year journey! To my parents and family, thank you for providing endless support and encouragement. To my professors, thank you for challenging and developing me to become a better learner. To my friends and peers, thank you for making my experience memorable. To the faculty and administration, thank you for investing in SUNY Poly and creating a meaningful experience for students like me. Lastly, thank you Walter the Wildcat, for being the fiercest mascot a student could ask for! If my four years have taught me anything, it’s that the most unlikely places can carry the most impact in your life. Wherever you are now, make the most of it. It may not seem like a lot, but over time, you never know where it can take you!

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