The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

5 Ways to Make the Most of Each Day

5 Ways to Make the Most of Each Day

Do you sometimes feel like you’re living the same day? You wake up, go to work or school, go home, and then do it all over again. Then, one day you wake up and realize years have gone by, wondering where the lost time went. I know it’s a little dramatic, but I think everyone has moments where the reality of life catches up to you. While I understand that each day won’t always be memorable, I think each day still matters.  I’ve learned that there are small ways you and I can make the most out of each day.

#1: Try Something New

Routine is something that we can appreciate... and despise from time to time. It’s certainly nice knowing what to expect in life, but it can also make it seem like your life is predictable and boring. Something that I strive to do is TRY something new each day. It can be anything: driving a different way home, eating at a different restaurant, or reading that book you've been wanting to read. I think it’s a fun thing to do, plus you never know how it could impact your life. 

#2: Journal

Journaling is one of my favorite things to do! You can write about anything. There’s no structure to it; it can be long or short, a rant or personal story, the possibilities are endless. I like journaling on special days I want to remember, or horrible days I need to process through. If you’re unsure what to journal about, google some prompt ideas, you won’t be disappointed. You don’t have to do it every day, but I would recommend doing it when you can. I find I feel relieved after getting all my thoughts on paper, because my brain isn’t carrying all the weight.

#3: Count Your Blessings

I remember one time at a hotel; there was a card placed on the bed giving sleeping tips. The one tip that stuck with me was instead of counting sheep, try counting your blessings instead. I think there’s a lot of value in that advice. There is an endless number of things we can complain about, and sometimes it’s easier to do. Despite this, no matter how difficult things may seem, there’s always something we can appreciate. Try listing out things you're grateful for, maybe have a list on your phone to serve as a reminder; any little bit helps!

#4: Do Something Nice for Someone

Have you ever had someone do something nice for you? Most people would answer yes! The great thing about doing something nice is you never know how much that act of kindness could affect someone. It doesn’t need to be extravagant or expensive as long as it’s sincere; that’s what counts! Maybe it’s complimenting your coworker or helping out a stranger. I think there are plenty of opportunities to show kindness each day.

#5: Treat Yo Self

In the show Parks and Rec, beloved characters Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle entertained viewers with their made-up holiday (Treat Yo Self) where they spent the day relaxing and enjoying lavish experiences. While it’s excessive, Tom and Donna know how to relax, which is something we all need! No matter what the day brings, make sure to treat yourself to things or activities that you enjoy and help you relax. It could be cooking, exercising, painting, really anything that you enjoy (Just don’t get too carried away).

It can be frustrating feeling stuck in the day-to-day realities of life; where you feel more like a spectator as time passes. Luckily, each day brings new opportunities for us to find meaning. As long as we’re willing to make small steps, those changes can lead to a more fulfilling life. So treat each day as a gift, and it may surprise you what it will bring.



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