The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

Why You Should Focus on “Getting Lost” Next Vacation

Why You Should Focus on “Getting Lost” Next Vacation

When travelling, one might initially want to avoid the concept of getting lost. However, not only is this known as a method of exploring new places and getting immersed in the culture of your vacation or travel destination, you may not know that there are many other benefits to this travel strategy. If wandering aimlessly rather than following a specific path, you open yourself to experiencing benefits such as a more authentic view of your destination, less crowds, and so much more. Read on, and find out why you should aim to get lost on your next trip (once it is safe to travel once more)... just be sure to bring a map or GPS on your device!


Vacations and travelling are already expensive, why waste more money? When you go to the most popular spots, you are often going to a place where businesses have realized they can make good money by overcharging for everything. While this may not seem the case in certain places, if you look carefully, you’ll find that hot spots have increased prices for everything from the food to the parking spaces! This can make an especially big difference when travelling to countries that aren’t fully using converted prices. Imagine the cost difference that a location using U.S. conversion rates has, compared to a spot that prices according to the local currency! Not only can you save money, but you can afford to spend more, which can positively contribute to a good business’ livelihood.


No one likes tourist traps. They overcharge (as previously mentioned), they tend to give watered-down versions of the history of the location, and they are often packed with meaningless merchandise at the gift shops. Wouldn’t it be better to just wander about and fully experience what your travel destination has to offer? When you trek aimlessly around a destination, you aren’t directing yourself to anything a tourist company has tried to rope you into, but are rather straying off the path, and giving yourself a genuine chance to experience the everyday life and culture of wherever you’re vacationing. 


While environmental friendliness does not often seem to be on many tourists’ lists, not having to deal with litter and excessive crowds should be. When you go to a destination that isn’t known or common for travel, you actively separate yourself from lines, crowds, and all of the other problems associated with well-known locations. The less known a place is, the more you can enjoy it, and perhaps more willingly take responsibility to keep it enjoyable (after all, no one wants to be the first person to toss garbage somewhere). If everyone diversified their choices in travel locations, versus going to the most famous beach or bar in the area, there would be a lot less human impact on favorite vacation spots. But for now, you as an individual can at least experience this yourself by choosing to end up in a vastly different place. Who knows, you might find the perfect place to enjoy all to yourself!


Isn’t the point of travel or a vacation to break routine? Why work with tight tourism schedules when you can enjoy a destination at your own pace? When you wander aimlessly, you are in control of your vacation, and have the ultimate say in what you do! So the next time you are travelling, consider all the new possibilities that lie within throwing away that tourist brochure and just walking in whatever random direction interests you. It’s interesting, unique, and incredibly fun!

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