The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

A War Like No Other

A War Like No Other

Nearly 60 years ago a war like no other began. This war was different from others because one side completely obliterated the other in every single battle. In fact, the dominant side did not lose a single troop in the many battles that were fought. The losing side, however, lost millions upon millions of troops. Among the many battles fought, there were a few that resulted in casualties like no other. Some of them include the Battle of Marble Island, Battle of Blue Cushion, and Battle of Grey Sofa. However, none of these battles compared to the Battle of Red Futon… 


“Mac… Mac…” I can faintly hear my name being called out as if someone is trying to get my attention. I try to open my eyes but am unsuccessful. The voice gets a little louder as I feel someone shaking my body vigorously from side to side. My eyes slowly start to open and fixate on the individual that is shaking my body. I immediately recognize who he is and call out his name.

“Harry. What are you doing?” Harry stops shaking my body and looks me directly in the eyes.

“Thank goodness you’re ok! I thought you were dead!” As soon as Harry said that last word I started to remember what had happened. I was called into battle with my battalion after reports of enemy troops approaching our base had filtered in through some of our allies. My species required everyone to participate in the war. I had spent my entire life waiting to be called into battle. The only thing that I knew about the war was that we were fighting a violent and selfish species known as Homosapiens. Homosapiens have targeted my species for decades. We try so hard to fight them but, due to our size, we are unable to gain any traction in this tumultuous war. 

“FALL BACK!” I hear a voice coming from behind me that sounded very similar to my commander’s. I try to pick myself up off the ground but feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. Looking down at it I see a large wound that is being covered up by a bloody handkerchief.

“Harry, I can’t get up! Please help me!” I look up at Harry who slowly starts to relieve the pressure off of my abdomen and pick himself up off the ground. 

“I’m sorry Mac, I can’t help you, your injuries are too severe and we need to fall back now.” Harry takes one last look at me before turning around and running back towards our base. All of a sudden I hear a loud noise coming from the direction of my commander. I pivot my head enough to see the source of the noise. I see a large creature running towards my battalion with a large pink object hanging near the ground. I remember learning about this creature. Other than the Homosapien, it has caused the most casualties for my species. The canine. I try once more to pick myself up off the ground but am still unsuccessful. I look over at my commander one more time right before the canine’s tongue wraps around him and brings him towards its mouth. It will only be a few more seconds until the canine reaches me and I join my commander in the canine’s stomach. However, right before the canine reaches me I hear an even louder noise coming from a large red object with a Homosapien on it. 


“MOM!!! DAISY IS EATING MY GOLDFISH!” The voice is coming from a young girl, no older than 6 or 7, who is lounging around on a red futon holding a bag of goldfish crackers. A much older woman bolts into the room carrying a vacuum cleaner close to her side.

“What did I say about eating goldfish in the living room, Sarah.” The woman says to her daughter as she plugs the vacuum into the nearest outlet and starts sucking up the soldiers one by one. 

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