The Factory Times is the Student-Run school newspaper for SUNY Poly.

The Biggest Hoax in the Canine World

The Biggest Hoax in the Canine World

Dogs everywhere have allegedly been lied to about their age for quite some time. The previous equation to convert dog years to human years, human years = dog years * 7, has since been disproven. This leaves humans (such as yourself) with some burning questions, such as…

  • Who discovered this?

  • How did they disprove it?

  • What is the new equation?

Don’t worry, all of your questions will soon be answered, and you should be able to sleep peacefully knowing the real age of your adorable canine friend. 

Who discovered this?

A team from the University of California, San Diego, researched the correlation between human and canine lifespans. The previous method of multiplying dog years by seven was proven to be inaccurate. 

How did they disprove it?

According to NewScientist magazine, the team studied 104 labradors (puppies and adults) to determine the aging process in this particular breed of dog. The focal point of their research was comparing their methylomes which are defined as “a set of chemical changes to genes that fluctuates throughout life” by this scientific magazine. One of the researchers on this team, Trey Ideker, stated: “You have these major changes [to the methylomes] that go on during development when you’re growing and then, as you age, you’re kind of looking at the afterburn.” 

What is the new equation?

The moment that you’ve all been waiting for… Be aware, the new equation to convert dog years to human years is much more complicated. Individuals that have a strong dislike for math are advised to stay away. With that being said, the new equation is…

human years = 16ln (dog years) + 31

The great thing about this formula is that you don’t have to know too much about math to use it. Just pull out a calculator and punch in the numbers. There are also a variety of online science magazines that will do the calculation for you! For anyone that is interested in learning more about this research and the future of gene research in other dog breeds, visit 



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